Most of the users do have a feeling that why spend on hosting a website on the servers offered by Web Hosting service provider and instead opt. to host it yourself on a home computer. Actually, there are many benefits of choosing a Reliable web hosting company to host your website instead of hosting your own personal, business or e-commerce website. To name a few, technical support, data backups, flexibility to upgrade, website security, data security, etc. are advantages of hosting a website on a Web server offered by a Web Hosting provider.
Technical support for your website is the key factor associated with Web Hosting. A Web Hosting company has well qualified dedicated network and server administrators that have expertise in handling server-related issues and queries. Most of the reputed web hosting service providers offer 24×7 support, which is not possible if your website is hosted on your own on your home computer.
The Web servers offered by web hosting providers are connected to the Internet 24×7, which is of utmost importance for your website to be accessible to visitors over the Internet. Whereas, it would not be possible for a home computer to be online 24×7.If due to some reason a self-hosted website has some issue or there is a hardware failure, the website for sure would be inaccessible, resulting in loss of revenue and customer as well. Therefore, it is very important that your website is hosted on good quality, reliable servers offered by a Web Host.
When you choose a hosting company you can rely on technical support which is reliable and available 24 hours 365 days. Most of the reputed Web Hosting providers operate even on Social Holidays and weekends, hence you can ask for technical support even on those days.
In addition, the support staff of the host, include people with expertise in various niches, therefore you can rest assured, no matter what problem you have regarding your website. You need not be stuck trying to figure out functionalities on your own.
When you choose a hosting company you can avail the benefits of backups. Depending on the host, you are not required to purchase a backup server nor will you have to worry about recovering files. If you don’t run your own backups and the files of your site are deleted then you may be looking at long periods of downtime while you rebuild your site from scratch. Whereas if your website is hosted with a reliable web hosting server, you may restore the backup at any point in time and save the downtime. Flexibility is one of the most useful advantages of hosting a website with a hosting company. When you want to integrate new features or upgrade to a higher server, it can be done in few minutes from the time you raise the request. When you choose a web hosting provider, it is important that you make sure that they offer flexible upgrade options. Flexibility is very important but it is not offered by every provider. Most users face this issue when resources allocated by the host start falling short and there is a need to upgrade to a higher and better server. So one must make sure that your shortlisted web hosting company offers flexibility in upgrading the package.
Security is the most important factor when it comes to Website hosting. If you have a website that involves online transactions, it is important that there are enough security measures taken in order to safeguard yours as well as your customers’ banking details. A reputed web host offers servers that are applied with ample security measures and online attack protection systems. In order to further strengthen your website, you may ask the web hosting provider to provide an SSL certificate for your domain.
In addition to the above-mentioned benefits, there are various types of Web Hosting services that are available to users such as Dedicated Server Hosting, Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting, Reseller Website Hosting, and Shared Web Hosting. You can choose any out of these as per your website requirements. You may also contact the hosting provider to help you choose an appropriate package based on your requirements.
These benefits of hosting a website with a Web Hosting provider instead of hosting it on your own can help you get rid of some major drawbacks of hosting a website on your own.
Remember to check out that the web host offers Reliable hardware,24×7 technical support, backup service, and prompt response to your issues.