The popularity of DDoS prevention / mitigation services is increasing and the reason is that the method of this kind of attack’s execution is very well studied and well known to a lots of web hosting providers. DDoS stands for ‘Distributed Denial of Service’. DDoS attackers who are essentially also master crackers, only needs to create a network of compromise computers or aid of botnet which are are used collectively to attack on a web hosting server. DDoS attack is involved a high amount of artificial traffic flow. This high traffic flow caused in high consumption of bandwidth and packets on the web server to make it victim of DDoS attack. Not only high load of traffic but fake information requests also used on a large scale to bring down the web server, so that the genuine visitors and users will also loose the access of the same server.
There are many web hosting providers in India who provides effective DDoS Attack Protection services along with reliable web hosting services. These DDoS attack preventive services include use of various techniques to tackle hacking attacks which are also executed by using newer methods. The software and hardware used in such type of services are need to be updated on consistent basis as hackers and attackers keep studying all these things to overcome the security system.
All incoming traffic towards the web server is to be kept under inspection and a systematic analysis of all the traffic is need to be carried out to sort out the malicious traffic out of total traffic. As soon as any such malicious traffic is found which is generally from the same location is reported as threats detected through a specific alerts. Such alerts can save a web server before attack it done or before huge damage is done to the server after DDoS attack. Smart Web hosting companies also create a database of such attackers and hackers including the destination used for the attack, because this helps a lot to remain alert from such possibly dangers.