Server problems can be a bane for your online business as your site crashing or the pages taking ages to load sends a bad impression. In a world where everything is at our fingertips and we get to choose from a wide range of options, your customers will easily move onto the next competitor if your site is not accessible. In fact, the reputation of your brand can suffer irreparable damage if your pages take a long time to load, leading to a spike in abandonment rates and causing annoyance to your users. On the other hand, downtime can not only hurt the standing of your company in the industry, it can prove to be extremely expensive, and hamper the productivity of your employees by causing unintended breaks.
Here are some of the common server problems that you need to keep a lookout for, and prepare a game plan to keep them at bay.
1. Slow Page Loading
One of the headaches that users encounter on the internet is an extremely slow loading page. A page that takes its own sweet time to load causes stress and frustration in the users, which will lead them to look for a faster option. When the website is fast and allows users easy access, the user will end up engaging and contributing more to your business.
There are several reasons that cause web pages to load slowly. Some of the reasons include autoplay videos on your page that end up being very complicated, or a huge spike in traffic that you’re unprepared to handle, etc. Regardless of what is causing your web pages to load at a slow speed, it will take a toll on your business that can lead to a damaged reputation of your brand in the future.
2. Spike in the Traffic of your Website
A sudden spike in traffic that you’re unprepared to handle could result in your website slowing down substantially or entirely crashing. In case you own an e-commerce website that can handle heavy traffic with its server solution you have purchased. However, during occasions like Christmas, your website could encounter a tremendous traffic load that could prove to be too much to handle for your server which leads to it crashing. One way to deal with this is to anticipate the increase in traffic and have extra resources ready to help your server function optimally. It will help keep up the productivity and aid in building your reputation up among your customer base.
3. Software Failure
One of the most important aspects of your website is the software that forms the foundation of your website. Your hardware and all the resources that you have at your disposal are useless without proper software. It helps ensure your entire framework runs smoothly for your website, as a small problem on the server of your computer could lead to dire consequences. The profits you attain and the growth of your business will reflect this. A website that has glitches will end up alienating its audience who will easily opt for your competitor’s site that is easier to access and runs more smoothly to fulfil their needs.
4. Server Crash
A server crash spells doom for a business. Nothing tops this disaster when it comes to an online business. It happens usually when your server has been a victim of some disaster like theft, fire or flooding. Your website service can bring down the server which causes it to crash.
Moreover, the cost to recover a server that has completely crashed is enormous, which basically means that a majority of businesses cannot cover this cost. A server crashing could result in thousands of dollars for your business daily. You need to monitor your server and have a plan ready to combat server crashes to avoid any loss from your server going down. Look out for warning signs that your server might be in trouble. These could include random crashes, freezes of your command lines, and various issues with your filing system. These are signs that your server might be on the path to crashing.
5. Cyber Hacking and an Invasion of Viruses
All businesses put lots of thought into cybersecurity as it is a huge part of keeping your online business safe. One of your prime concerns should be finding the safest way to store your user and employee information. There can be a cybersecurity breach of your online servers that can lead to a leak of the business and personal data stored on them.
A virus or cybersecurity attack can cause your business to go down for an indefinite amount of time by having its information abused and stolen. It makes investing in an online security system essential. When you choose your website hosting service, make sure that their security system is top-notch.
The problems that plague your servers could disappear in a short while, or it could be a long-term battle. You need to keep a close eye on the daily operations of your website to find out if any problems exist with your website that might cause your server to crash. It could be as trivial as your page loading at a slow pace or something major like your website crashing regularly. It could be a cause for concern and could be a security issue. It is better to prevent it or get rid of the problem as soon as possible to maintain the smooth running of your website.