In this article, we’ll show you how to manually install Drush.
Drush is a shell-based computer software application for controlling, manipulating, and administering Drupal websites.
A PHP dependency management known as a composer is used in the Drush installation process. As a result, before installing Drush, you must first install composer on your account.
# Install Drush by following these steps:
1. Use SSH to access your account.
2. Choose the Drush version you want to install from the menu:
Type the following command to install Drush 8:
Type the following command to install Drush 7:
3. Now, use the following command to identify the CentOS version installed on your server.
If the output of this command includes the letters eI7 (for example, 3.10.0-714.10.2.Ive1.5.9.el7.x86 64), your server runs CentOS7.
If the output of this command contains the string eI6 (for example, 2.6.32-673.23.1.Ive1.4.27.el6.x86 64), you have a problem. If that’s the case, your server is running CentOS6.
4. Type the following instructions, depending on the CentOS version you acquired in step 3, to add Drush to your path:
Type the following command on a server running CentOS 7:
Type the following command on a server running CentOS 6:
5. Type the following command to make the new path effective right away:
Drush is now installed and ready to use, as you can see.
If you wish to double-check that Drush is installed properly, run the following command:
Drush will display the most recent version number for you.
If you want to update Drush to the most recent version, run the command:
We sincerely hope that you must now have got a clear idea regarding How to Manually Install Drush. However, if you are still facing any difficulty in the procedure mentioned above, feel free to reach out to the Team for proactive support 24×7