How to Check if an SSL Certificate Matches its Private Key

Applies to Parallels Plesk Panel.

Warning Signs:

If you encounter this error message while trying to upload an SSL certificate in the Plesk control panel:

ERROR message:

Unable to set the certificate: Incompatible private key/certificate pair.”

The same problem may occur when using the .txt format.

Reason: This issue arises when the private key and the SSL certificate don’t match.


To address this problem, you must compare the modulus part of the private key and the SSL certificate.

Copy the private key content of your domain name into a file (e.g., and check its modulus part:

For example:

openssl rsa -text -noout -in -modulus | grep Modulus=

Now, you need to check the modulus part of the certificate:

openssl x509 -text -noout -in -modulus | grep Modulus=

If the modulus parts don’t match, then the issue lies with the certificate itself, indicating the need for re-issuance.


Contact the Certificate Authority (CA) that issued the certificate with the same CSR (SSL Certificate Signing Request) for a new certificate. For further assistance and SSL offers visit