6 Warning Signs To Change Your WordPress Web Hosting

There are times when we get used to a certain thing in our life that we cannot fathom changing it, even if it has outlived its purpose and does not fulfil our needs anymore. It is easier to ignore the problem areas and stay in your comfort zone. After all, change does not guarantee betterment is the common ideology.

However, you know holding on to past practices only because it is familiar is detrimental to your growth. It might be time to transfer your WordPress site to a new host. In case your WordPress web hosting provider exhibits these signs, it’s time to make the jump to a new web host.

1. Persistent downtime

Downtimes have detrimental effects on all aspects of your online business like traffic, brand building, as well as your reputation. Once your website is known to the user for being down, they won’t trust in it enough to return. If the downtime is persistent, it is time to change to a new host.

How can you monitor for downtime? You obviously might have to employ a monitoring service since being online on your site at all times to look out for downtime is impossible. Thankfully, you can download services that will keep an eye on your downtime without any charge.

Uptime refers to all the time in which your server is online. On the flip side, the time during which your server is offline is called downtime. In case your system does encounter tiny downtimes throughout the month, you will have 99% registered uptime. Your web hosting provider can probably provide you with insight into the causes of your downtime. If they cannot provide you with a satisfactory answer or help you find a resolution, you need to move to a new host.

2. Unsatisfactory security

Hacking or having a malware infestation can cause irreparable damage to your system, brand and business. Your data gets stolen, corrupted and highly compromised. So does your entire user list. All the efforts you’ve put in to build your business up to this point is rendered useless. Being highly vulnerable to being hacked is a pretty prominent sign that your web host provider needs to step up its security. If they are unable to pinpoint the problem areas or provide you with sufficient resolution, you need to start looking for a new web host that can provide you with ample security.

3. Insufficient customer support

Around-the-clock customer support is the least you can ask from your web hosting provider. Even cheap WordPress hosting in India provides sufficient customer support as a basic service. Live 24/7 support is expected by the users subscribing to your service. If there is bad customer service that makes your customers wait for hours or days for issue resolution. It sends a message that they are not important to you and could cause you to lose business.

4. Suspending tour website

Website hosting providers in India retain the option of discontinuing your website if they find something amiss like some type of suspicious activity. However, there are instances where the smallest of errors can be cited by these companies for taking your site down without any warning or notification. In this case, you need to talk to them and clarify the situation. If there is no resolution, it’s time to switch web hosts. Ensure that your data is backed up in case the web hosts hold on to it for leverage.

5. Traffic spikes leading to reduced performance

Added pressure reveals the true sturdiness and resilience of any relationship. The same can be said of your connection to your web hosting provider. When your website receives a lot of traffic, the web hosting provider’s contingency plan to deal with such situations comes into play. Do they have several alternatives in case one doesn’t work?

The main point is that your site should have negligent downtime. So you get to ask the host to provide uptime even during traffic. There are times when the traffic is so massive that it leads to a fraction of downtime but there should be plans in place to limit that to a minimum and bring it back online as soon as possible.

If your server’s have a limited capacity to handle traffic and yours has outgrown it, it’s a huge problem. In case the servers that you use are self-owned, it could indicate a need for upgrades that can prove to be quite expensive. The more your business grows, the more traffic you will encounter. This is a good problem to have, but it is a problem nonetheless. You could anticipate the amount of space you need and then end up overestimating your need and wasting money on hardware that goes unused. In this case, it is better to go for elastic hosting that can put your mind to rest.

6. Your hardware is outdated

If your server’s have a limited capacity to handle traffic and yours has outgrown it, it’s a huge problem. In case the servers that you use are self-owned, it could indicate a need for upgrades that can prove to be quite expensive. The more your business grows, the more traffic you will encounter. This is a good problem to have, but it is a problem nonetheless. You could anticipate the amount of space you need and then end up overestimating your need and wasting money on hardware that goes unused. In this case, it is better to go for elastic hosting that can put your mind to rest.


Once you find something that is working and has supported your operation for a long time, it is hard to move on from it. Submitting to change is extremely difficult. It’s far too enticing to stick to an imperfect situation than to take the risk and make the jump into unknown territory. However, you can find a better web hosting provider that can satiate all of your web hosting needs. So make the leap.

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