How To Reset The Password In WordPress?

In wp-admin for retrieving passwords, one needs to click on ‘Lost your password?’ which appears on the login screen. After clicking it you will have to enter either your username or e-mail ID which is verified in the WordPress database and if found then the new password is forwarded to your email address which you used for registration.

As the above procedure is a little bit lengthy and time-consuming there is another method that can be used for the same. By using particular instances you can access the admin area. By using phpMyAdmin which is a utility provided with cPanel Hosting package, one can manage his WordPress database. After accessing the phpMyAdmin it is necessary to select the database which is used by your website. Click on that database and you will find multiple tables inside it. Find SQL tab which is located at the top of the navigation bar. You need to type the following SQL query in the field available.

UPDATE `wp_users` SET `user_pass` = MD5( ‘new_password‘ ) WHERE `wp_users`.`user_login` = “your_username

Replace ‘new_password‘ and “your_username” in the above query with your desired new desired password and your username respectively. After you typed the query accurately, click on the GO tab, this will submit your query. If you have done the above work successfully then you should be able to login into your WordPress admin area.