How to Limit IP Address for Admin Access in Plesk?

Admin users wield significant control over servers. Therefore, safeguarding the admin account details is crucial. For enhanced security, Plesk offers a feature to restrict admin access based on IP addresses. This prevents unauthorized access attempts from remote locations.

To Limit IP Address for Admin Access:

Log in to your Plesk admin account.

Navigate to Tools & Settings in the side menu.

Click on IP Access Restriction Management under the Security section.

Plesk Tools and settings

Select Settings.

plesk IP restriction management

Choose between:

  • Allowed, excluding listed networks: Prevents login from IP addresses listed.
  • Denied, from networks not listed: Only allows login from specified IP addresses.

Click OK.

Ip restiction settings

Click Add Network to include a new restricted IP address.

Enter the Subnet or IP address to add to the restricted list and click OK.

subnet ip address

Following these steps enables you to limit IP addresses for admin access in Plesk.

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