The Reality and Myths of Cloud Hosting

Cloud computing is one of the main elements in fast-developing technologies that are taking the world by storm. However, there are several myths floating around that spread fear and unnecessary distrust. It is good to research new technologies before employing them and check out the facts.

Let’s take a look at some of the popular cloud hosting myths in India and find out which ones are true and those that aren’t.

1. Cloud migration can be a hassle

Cloud migration includes a number of processes such as transferring apps, data, and entire systems to the cloud host’s framework from the online infrastructure. It might come across as a complex process but the majority of efficient cloud hosting providers can transfer your entire database with almost no downtime.

2. On-premises are safer than the cloud

Cloud security has many protocols that reflect the regular on-premises security. As the migration process takes place online, the entire database is encrypted. There are manual updates that have to be done when security patches come through on on-premises infrastructure. If an update skips for any reason, it could leave your system vulnerable to attacks such as ransomware and malware that could cause irreparable damage.

The cloud framework is built in a way that ensures systematic patch updates that boost the safety of your company. However, while the framework is secure, there are additional measures that the user needs to make to ensure that their database is not vulnerable. Devices on the premises that have not had their patches updated often leave the door open for ransomware and malware to go through.

3. Cloud computing costs a bomb

Scalability is the best part of cloud computing, so your use of certain resources dictates the amount you have to pay. You don’t have to pay for resources you do not use. It can help reduce the cost and make it a budget-friendly option as compared to on-premises servers. There are several ways to get your cloud computing system optimized and fit in your budget and fulfill all of your needs.

4. Your database will be public on the cloud

This is at the top of the several myths that are floating around about the cloud. Clouds have two types, public and private. You need to educate yourself on the difference between the two. There are several public clouds like Google that you need to pay for as you use the resources and include multiple users. They all utilize the same servers including the storage, hardware, and network devices with various other cloud users. On the other hand, a private cloud includes only one user and has all of its resources and hardware assigned to just one client. It ensures greater security as other users are unable to get access to it even if they are in the same data center.

5. Not much control of your data

There several companies that are scared of losing control of their apps and database without proper hardware on their premises. In reality, the opposite usually takes place. When the transition is made to cloud computing, the businesses and their employees can gain access to the data from anywhere in the world and work.

6. Performance

There is a common myth that traditional servers are somehow faster than cloud computing. This myth began due to a number of factors and has run rampant for a long time. Virtualization seen as one of the causes of the decrease in speed. Cloud computing conducted on virtualization hardware that performs at the same level as the usual appliances do. There more I/O latency for computing apps that require performing on a greater scale. However, the same does not apply to normal business software. There are certain legacy applications that could end up with a tad reduced speed after cloud migration. On the other hand, the performance becomes better once the cloud transfer done from the start.

7. Analytics and storage are the only pros of cloud computing

Cloud known for its analytics and storage of data. Its uses and features, however, far surpass this. It does not just cater to data science and technology departments, but prove to be extremely useful for sectors such as marketing, human resource management, customer service, manufacturing, and sales. The flow of information and the level of perfection that cloud hosting delivers is a boon in every situation.


Now that cloud hosting and its related solutions are taking flight, it is vital to recognize the myths that surround it and find out what is true from the rest of the rumors. This helps you make your decisions while knowing the facts of all the options put forth to you. Plus it helps businesses access the systems they need to help their business reach the top. There are several cheap cloud server hosting options in India that you can select.

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