Know More About FQDN, HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP

As most of us know about the high popularity of internet services. Many people just use the internet smoothly but they are not aware of actually what goes on behind the scene.

Here I won’t drag you into a typical description that how the Internet is the network of many big networks. And so on, but while studying the functioning of the internet. Websites, and web hosting server.

We would come to know that they are expected to fulfill the requests of client computers for specific web pages. Such clients use applications called browsers (Firefox, IE, Chrome, etc.)

While performing such requests for their desired web pages. Normally a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is typed by the client into the address bar of the particular browser used by him. To direct to a web server by means of its Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).

For example to visit’s home page a visitor is required to only type (FQDN) but if he want to visit contact us information of then he needs to type FQDN ( followed by a path (/contactus.php)

‘http’(Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) is the most commonly used protocol for transferring webpages. There are also other two other types of protocols supported as ‘https’(Hyper Text Transfer Protocol over Secure Sockets Layer). And ‘FTP’ (File Transfer Protocol) is specially used for uploading and downloading files.