6 Ways to Add Security to Your Dedicated Server

Safety is a priority for all online business owners given the growing security threats on the internet. The safety concerns are persistent and evolving at all times. Hence it is crucial to secure your dedicated server to protect it from falling victim to hacking, malware, viruses, and so on by choosing the perfect dedicated server hosting. Introducing advanced security includes enforcing certain measures which can be easily put into play.

Let’s take a look at all that you can do to put your mind at rest knowing your dedicated server is secure.

  • Ensure you only access secure networks

If your device is connected to the dedicated server, ensure that you only utilize secure connections to log in. Public networks are can be easily exploited and used to gain entry into your dedicated server. Your login information can be known to multiple people if an open Wi-Fi is used. So while you might rejoice in getting a free open network to use. It could end up costing you dearly in the future. So stick to the networks you are sure are safe and known.

  • DDoS protection installation

When a DDoS attack is launched against a system, huge amounts of illegitimate traffic are directed at a certain web server to overload it. This results in your server becoming increasingly slow, or your entire operation could end up crashing entirely. Unfortunately, DDoS attacks are launched on all types of systems much more often and with increasing magnitude.

DDoS security needs to be used based on the magnitude of the attack you hope to keep your system safe from. There are several web hosting companies that offer basic DDoS security to ensure the safety of your dedicated server.

  • Scan for malware regularly

There are several threats that exist on the internet such as Trojans, viruses, spyware, and much more that can cause irreparable harm to your server. Hence, you should conduct regular scans for malware to ensure your security is holding strong and does not have any vulnerabilities that could be exploited.

There are several anti-virus software that you can use to locate and get rid of malicious software to ensure no harm befalls your system. Moreover, malware scanners can identify a potential problem and help you avoid it turning into a bigger one.

  • Install patches and security updates

One of the most exploited vulnerabilities in a system is software that is outdated and old. The majority of application developers regularly take evolving security threats into account and offer security patches that can secure your system.

However, if these security patches are not implemented, the vulnerability will remain, waiting to be exploited. Even a bit of procrastination on your part could cost you dearly. Hence, you should prioritize updating your software regularly. If you choose a managed dedicated server, these updates will be conducted for you automatically without your involvement.

  • Strong password

Do not go for default passwords when it comes to your dedicated server from the beginning. You should also update your password regularly. You should put together a strong one using a mix of lower and uppercase letters along with special symbols.

Avoid using any words or numerals that can be associated with your identity and can therefore be easily guessed. You should change your password every few months. The stronger and more complex your password. The harder it will be to break into your server and gain access to your confidential information.

  • Conduct regular backups

If a successful attack is launched on your system. You could end up losing your entire database with no way of restoring it. To ensure this does not come to pass, it is crucial to create backups of your whole system and database. This helps revive your data and restore it without delay so as to minimize downtime.

These cybercriminal attacks might lead to a lot of damage which can be avoided if you just create backups of your database and store them in a safe place. This stops you from having your entire progress undone and from being forced to start from the beginning.

You can ensure your backups are conducted regularly by automating them. So you get to dictate how often you want them done. These are then secured in another location to protect them from any disaster that might befall the original server, along with encrypting the data.

  • Conclusion

Dedicated server security is one of the most important priorities you need to take into consideration. You can end up costing yourself a lot of time and money if your server ends up getting hacked or falls victim to any malicious activity. Moreover, you can always opt for a managed dedicated server if you want your web hosting service to handle your dedicated server’s security.

Host.co.in provides managed dedicated server hosting that has maximum security which leaves you free to concentrate on other web hosting tasks.

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